Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Callie's New Job

So I FINALLY got a new job. I am the new secretary for Frederico Landscaping . It's pretty nice, i just do basic accounting (make sure his records match up with the bank's), write up proposals for different landscaping jobs, and other random things. It's pretty sweet because it works around my school schedule and pays more than the last one.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sun Valley

So Mark and I just got back from our annual Sun Valley ID trip with his parents. (If you're interested you can look in my blog history for pictures from last years trip) We were so excited that we got to go again this year. We didnt take many pictures, but here are the ones we did take.

This is the night before we left when we were packing up, i had to try on the camel back to make sure it fit all right!
Mark and I on our way to go swimming at the awesome pool that was there at the resort.
We spent lot of time just hanging out with Marks paretns and his two sisters Wendy and Melinda who got to come up this year too.



Melinda and baby Ian

On Saturday Mark and i rode the ski lift up the mountain again. Except for this time, we rode up and hiked down. muchos fun. (by the way, notice i remembered to wear shoes that couldnt fall off this time.)

Look at the beautiful view!!

Mark trotting down the mountain

Dorky Callie

Mark trying to blow this massive dandelion

We found a cone on the side of the trail to prop the camera on, and this is what we got.

So we didnt get very many pictures, but we had sooo much fun. Very relaxing and wonderful. While we were there we also got to see an awesome ice skating show that featured a lot of "famous" people who have won Olympic medals and other contests. The main "guest star" of the shoe was Johnny Weir, i had never heard of him but he was really good, even if he was a little "femmy". these are the two songs we saw him do:

Anyway, it was a great trip and now we are so sad to have to go back to everyday life... oh well, we still have our chicago trip next month!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Old Pictures

So Mark and i have been looking through old pictures to try to fill
all the frames that we have. It's pretty pathetic, but we have a
bunch of frames that are already up on our walls that still have the
cheesy pictures in them that come from the store. So i thought i
would share some of the ones we will be using.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dog the Bounty Hunter

So as many of you know, Dog has been off the air for the last 8 months or so. Before "the unfortunate incident" it was our favorite show. Anod now HE'S BACK!!!!
and we are so happy!

Mark's Disney Prince

Mark is

Prince Eric

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You are Prince Eric! You handsome, adventure lovin' prince by the sea. You always fall for the sweet, silent type, don't you? Your best quality is that you'll fight for the one you love, AND still manage to look super cute while doing it. *sighs*

Monday, July 7, 2008

Disney Princess

You Are Esmerelda!
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Mysterious and passionate. You are a survivor. Even though life has swung you some difficult situations you have a strong intuition that gets you through. Also, you have the capacity to sympathize and relate to a variety of different people.

Which Disney Princess Are You?