Friday, June 3, 2011

Australia Trip - Cairns

Cairns, pronounced Cans, was UNBELIEVABLE!! Here are some aerial shots from our plane.

First things first, we had to eat. I had the best fish n' chips EVER at this little shack right by the beach.

Even Mark ate his own entire plate! he doesn't even like fish and he loved it!

Our hotel was AMAZING!!! Not only was it huge and beautiful, it was literally right across the street from the beach. Seriously, we walked out the back patio and crossed the street and we were on the beach!

This is us being silly just before our fist time going to the beach.

This is the last picture of my sunglasses. they were washed into the ocean shortly after this. it still makes me want to cry. Well now i guess i should tell you the story. Mark and i decided to go for a little job on the beach. as soon as we started, a HUGE wave came and took us both out. we seriously were swept away. along with my flip flops and sunnies. We found the shoes... not the glasses. sniff.

The  next day we drove up to Port Douglas to go on our diving trip!! This is us checking in!

The boat.

Adorable preggy Tamra!

Getting ready for the dive!


The whole group

Both mornings that we were there Mark dragged me out of bed and we watched the sun rise on the beach... so romantic!

Pajamas on the beach!

We just can't resist taking silly pictures!

On our last day we checked out of the hotel and hung out on the beach until we had to go to the airport.

These are probably the cheesiest pictures I've ever taken... and that is saying something!

Jordan, you make a GREAT little mermaid!

We didn't have nearly enough time here. I WILL go back someday!


Cheryl said...

Wow. Seriously. How fun!!!

Kat said...

love it love it love it times TEN!!!! Oh my goodness it is GORGEOUS!!! Who needs hawaii when you could go to australia, seriously!?!?! These pictures are fabulous. I'm always so impressed when people look great when on vacation. I always look like crud! :) Anyway it looks like an amazing trip!