Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Day in the Life

As most of you know, my husband is adorable. However, he has some pretty weird names for me. Here are the ones he called me THIS morning. I will also give you the scenario in which they were given.

1. soy sauce

we were having breakfast and Mark drank all the milk. (we usually share the glass). He got up and refilled the glass for me. I said "thanks" and he said "no problem, soy sauce." I don't even know what to think about that.

2. short stack

I don't really remember the context for this one. But he defiantly referred to me as "short stack"

3. mean jean

He asked me if he needed to shave. I said that he did, and he replied "you are a mean jean." Once again, I'm not sure what to think, but it's pretty funny.

Also, i have been meaning to blog about Mark's incredible ability to create words. Most of the time he knows he is creating them, but sometimes i think he really thinks they are real words. (he will deny that of course) Here is one of them that i remember:

Last week we were driving and our car broke down. ( i know, so sad) but this really nice boy stopped and towed us out of the street. We were kinda surprised that he did it because when he got out of his car he was wearing just a swim suit, had gnarly hair, and was smoking. But he was SOO nice. Later we were talking about how we never want to judge anyone ever again and mark said "yeah, i just want to be obsental [ohb-zen-tal]." get it? not judgmental - obsental; meaning he just wants to observe without judgment.

Now i know you are all dying to spend a day in my life right??


Unknown said...

I love that he mixes it up for you. :) I just blogged about how I hate people calling me babe. It's cool Mark has names just for you.

And milk is the ONE drink I can not share.

Mauzy Fam said...

ha ha...mark's a cutie!!

CS Fenn said...

Who knew Mark was such a talented linguist! Soy sauce was my personal favorite, by the way. ;) We love you Mark!