Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ski Class

So as many of you know, I am taking ski lessons right now. I took one before Thanksgiving and I just had one on Saturday. I was feeling pretty good after my last lesson (mostly because my teacher told me that i did the best! I tried not to let that go to my head because most of my class is a bunch of sissy girls that as soon as they get scared they fall over. it's actually pretty funny to watch) Anyway, at the ski resort that my lessons are at (Alta) they have free skiing from 3:00 to 4:30. My lesson is from 1:00 to 3:00. So, Mark goes up with me and studies in the lodge during my lesson and then does the free skiing when I am done. But this time I went with him.

So this is us on the lift. It was FREEZING. I had taken a lot of my under layers of clothes off during my lesson because I was actually sweating to death in "the suit." But way up at the top of the mountain it was a bit chilly. This is the same place Mark took me skiing last year, and let's just say that it wasn't pretty or fun then. But, this time it was much much better. Actually having some clue as to what you are doing helps a lot.

I know the pictures aren't the best because we used Mark's phone (as you can see from the reflection in our awesome goggles).


Cheryl said...

Congratulations on learning to ski! I've never been. It actually doesn't appeal to me 'cause I'm a wimp but I do like to sled. I'm sure you will be challenging Mark here pretty soon!

Mauzy Fam said...

LOve it!! I didn't know you were taking ski lessons. Keep going, Mark will be in heaven. You guys look cute in your get-up!

CS Fenn said...

Way to go Keddy Weddy! You were the best one in the class when we took lessons together too! TEACHER'S PET! What did you do, bake him cookies?! ;) You rock girl! I wish I could be there with you!